I have a horizontal stacked bar graph with category labels (text) on the Y-axis. Currently the labels almost touch the Y axis line. Is there a way to insert some space between the Y-axis and the tick labels?
I have a horizontal stacked bar graph with category labels (text) on the Y-axis. Currently the labels almost touch the Y axis line. Is there a way to insert some space between the Y-axis and the tick labels?
So to answer my own question, I finally did this by turning OFF the ticklabels and using annotations to achieve the effect.
One has to play around with the domain
of the x-axis and the placement of the labels depending on the length of text of the labels on the y-axis. In case this helps someone in the future, here is what I did:
layout = go.Layout(
domain=[0.04, 1] # play with the value of 0.04 if your labels are longer
annotations = []
# y_data is a list that contains the y-axis labels
for yd in y_data:
# labeling the y-axis
annotations.append(dict(xref='paper', yref='y',
x=0.03, y=yd, # smaller values of x will give more space between y-axis and label
font=dict(family='Arial', size=14,
color='rgb(67, 67, 67)'),
showarrow=False, align='right'))
layout['annotations'] = annotations
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
An easier option would be to show the tick marks, but in the same color as the background:
yaxis = dict(ticks = "outside", tickcolor='white', ticklen=10)
What a clever solution!
Thank you so much, searched a lot to find this!