Show numbers in billions with "B", like the axis, or alternatively control the number of digits

Hello, I am using, with text_auto=‘.3s’. to control the number of digits after the decimal point in the text. Unfortunately when the number is in the billions, the text suffix is ‘G’, which doesn’t match the axis suffix ‘B’. I understand this is as expected because ‘s’ is using SI notation. However, is there another code I can use to get them to match, please? How does the axis labels do it?

When I use text_auto=True, the suffices match, but then the number of digits after the decimal is a lot more than I need. Perhaps there is an alternate way to control the number of digits, without resorting to the text_auto format string?

Thank you for your help.

Suffix mismatch: image , Too many digits: image

p.s. To be more precise, I would like to use the “B” notation, instead of “G”.

In this case, would it be possible to solve this problem by setting the same scale notation on the axis as well?

import as px

df ="year == 2007 and pop > 2.e6")
df.sort_values('pop', ascending=False, inplace=True)

fig =[:10],
             text=['{:.2}B'.format(x / 1000000000) for x in df['pop'][:10]],
             title="Controlled text sizes, positions and angles")
fig.update_traces(textfont_size=12, textangle=0, textposition="outside", cliponaxis=False)

Thanks for that! I guess it’s the “G” notation that I don’t want to use, since my audience is more familiar with “B”. Should have been more precise, sorry. It’s good to know that I can control the tickformat, though.

p.s. I’ve since modified the subject line and problem description.

If you want to display it in billions, you could simply add a textual limit of digits in billions. Updated answer.

Thank you! That’s a great suggestion.

I ended up using a short “human_format” function found here “python - Formatting long numbers as strings - Stack Overflow” to create my text. It is a little more flexible since it converts to other suffices automatically.

If you want to deal with this in a generic way, the link is as shown. I guess this question is closed. I need to respond to the termination.

Yes, thank you.