Hi everyone, I’d like to present a tool I made with dash: Too Many Guns.
The NSW Greens party (Australia) released toomanyguns.org to show gun ownership within NSW. I found their website to be lacklustre in terms of functionality and interface. It was the perfect candidate to recreate using Dash, so that’s what I did.
I know this is a little political, but hopefully everyone can appreciate the application of Dash!
Demo: https://toomanyguns.herokuapp.com/
Github: https://github.com/sjtrny/toomanyguns
Points of Interest
With dash we use a few notable features, techniques and third-party libraries:
- dash-multi, for multipage apps
- dash-bootstrap-components, to make pages responsive and pretty
- client side callbacks, for network performance reasons
- store component, for network performance reasons
- bs-breakpoints, to tweak layout for different breakpoints
Clientside callbacks
You can find an outline of how the layout is updated here Is it possible to update just `layout`, not whole `figure` of Graph in callback?