Show and Tell - Server Side Caching

Hello @Emil,

Still getting a lot of use out of your dash-extensions package so thanks again!

I had a question in regards to dash-labs and the latest syntax with dash-extensions. I was trying out the new /pages feature with one of my apps that utilizes dash-extensions. I was having issues getting any of my callbacks to run (both normal and serverside), and so I updated dash-extensions package and checked the latest documentation. I think it might be tied to some changes in dash-extensions’ syntax. My imports used to look like this:

from dash_extensions.enrich import ( 

However, referencing your repo, it looks like I should just be importing ServersideOutputTransform() and DashProxy. This resulted in two issues for me:

  1. I can no longer set the output_defaults when using DashProxy as the parameter is not recognized. Is there still a way to modify the backend and session_check parameters?
  2. Even after passing ServersideOutputTransform() to the transforms keyword argument, using ServersideOutput in my callbacks results in a NameError: name 'ServersideOutput' is not defined. I’m not sure what I’m missing here as ServersideOutput is still used in the documentation.

I’m assuming this is all tied to the fact that the documentation no longer shows the output, input, or state custom objects. Is there a new way to register the callbacks on the Dash app object? Either way, so far, I’ve had no luck getting the dash-extensions’ callbacks to run when trying to use the new /pages feature.

Thanks again for supporting this package, any help/guidance is appreciated!