Thanks! No, it’s the same (in fact, the arguments are passed to the flask caching FileSystemCache
class under the hood). You would simply create the store with the desired configuration,
from dash_extensions.enrich import FileSystemStore
fss = FileSystemStore(threshold=1)
and bind it either as the default backend (i.e. it will be used for all serverside outputs),
from dash_extensions.enrich import Dash
app = Dash(output_defaults=dict(backend=fss, session_check=True))
or to the desired outputs,
@app.callback(ServersideOutput("store", "data", backend=fss), Trigger("btn", "n_clicks"))
However, keep in mind that i haven’t implemented any graceful handling of missing (overwritten) cache values. Hence if you make the cache too small so that values of active clients are overwritten, their applications will crash.