Hi All,
I’ve been using dash for a few years to Dashboard data (and trying to pickup python along the way!). I have a server that is serving dozens of individual ‘apps’ from a single index (as shown in the example see URL Routing and Multiple Apps | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly under “Structuring a Multi-Page App” section). The general structure is like this example:
- app.py
- index.py
- apps
|-- __init__.py
|-- app1.py
|-- app2.py
and using the index example:
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
from app import app
from apps import app1, app2
app.layout = html.Div([
dcc.Location(id='url', refresh=False),
@app.callback(Output('page-content', 'children'),
Input('url', 'pathname'))
def display_page(pathname):
if pathname == '/apps/app1':
return app1.layout
elif pathname == '/apps/app2':
return app2.layout
return '404'
if __name__ == '__main__':
While this structure worked well as I was starting, now that I have ballooned to dozens of apps, maintaining is getting kind of tedious. If I add a new app, I have to update the index.py import list and the layout routing/handling. Also, if a single app isn’t working, the whole server won’t load. The local data sources have also gotten very ugly as there is no folders tied to each app.
I want to restructure the dashboard and could use some advice/feedback on this structure. Some things I want from the new structure:
- Each app will have its own folder, to hold dashboard and data files
- Layout and callbacks will be in separate files in their app folder
- individual app folder with layout/callbacks/data files will ignore absolute path (can be plugged into the apps folder from a development location without modification)
- If an app fails to load, the server will still function normally
- An app folder can be labeled to ignore it from loading
- The index.py will never need to be changed when adding/removing apps, and can have a defined ‘default’ layout and a 404 layout
The overall structure i have devised looks like this:
Here is a repository where I have built a proof-of-concept:
GitHub - ickL/DashMultiPageExample: An example of a multipage dash app with individual folders and separated layouts/callbacks/data folders. (first time sharing a git repository, hopefully it is complete enough to understand!)
Has anyone else attempted anything like this? Am i wandering into some novice coding pitfall with this design? Thank you!