Share Your App - Explore Page - Sepetmber 2024

Thank you for your interest in submitting your Dash app to the Plotly Explore Page platform, visited by thousands of Dash users daily.

Current submissions cycle will go until September 30, 2024.

To submit your app, please reply to this thread directly.

Please refer to the following suggestions when building and submitting your app. The more suggestions your app adheres to, the more likely it is to be added to the Explore Page.

  • Apps in the following categories are encouraged: Energy & Utilities, Business, Predictive Analytics & Forecasting, NLP, Connecting to APIs
  • App should look as good or better than the current apps on the platform
  • App should use different data than the other apps and try to cover a unique story
  • Content/story should be neutral or positive
  • App with live data that updates itself is encouraged
  • App that goes beyond exploratory analysis – app that perform advanced analytics
  • App that uses 3rd-party libraries (e.g., SciPy, spaCy, TensorFlow, Scikit-learn)
  • App that solves real-life problems, app that could have practical use cases
  • App content and results should be easy to access (we discourage requiring log-ins or uploading data as a precursor to seeing the full app).

The Plotly Example Apps team will review the apps submitted and update this post with the names of the apps that have been selected.

Happy Dash app building!

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Hey guys,

I wanted to share an app I created a while back! My submission for this year’s Dash summer app challenge was actually inspired by this business KPI dashboard I previously developed :slight_smile:

I’m using the financial complaints data set by the #RWFD (Real World Fake Data) initiative. These datasets are fantastic for creating demo business dashboards.

I originally built this dashboard to demonstrate how the Vizro KPI card functions an be integrated into a dashboard.


:art: As always, available in dark and light theme:

:computer: App: KPI Dashboard - a Hugging Face Space by vizro
:1234: Code: vizro/demo-kpi at main


This is really professional-looking, @li.nguyen .
I can see the resemblance to the Summer challenge app you submitted :slight_smile:

Thank you for making the app publicly accessible.

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This is a Dash application that I’ve been working on in my spare time. I used Dash in my previous roles but not in my current one - Created this project to get a little practice and make sure I don’t forget everything I’ve learned

The app’s main function is comparing the content catalogs of US streaming providers like Netflix, Hulu, Prime, etc. It sources data from two APIs: WatchMode, which provides the list of titles available on each platform, and the TMDB API, which offers additional details like genre, country, and popularity. The app is deployed on Heroku and connects to a database that refreshes automatically every two weeks. I’d refresh it more often, but that’s the most frequent interval I can get away with while staying in the free tier for the Watchmode API. :laughing:

It’s still pretty basic and very much a work in progress—so far, I’ve focused on setting up the data ingestion and building a clean application with varied visualizations and filters. Right now I think the main practical use is finding out which platform is best for fans of a particular type of content:

In the future, I’d like to enhance/add figures to provide better and more complex comparisons between the different providers. If anyone has any ideas, let me know! The repo also includes a Parquet file with some demo data, so if you’re interested you can run it locally without needing to connect to the database.


Very nice app, @Jwolf . Looks like you haven’t forgotten anything you’ve learned :laughing:

I was intrigues by the Content Quality definition and box plots:

This figure shows the distribution of ratings for content on each platform. Hover over a single box to view details.

Is the ratings for content decided by the viewers?

:laughing: Thanks!

Yes, TMDB lets users rate individual titles on their site. They provide the rating details (average rating, number of votes) for each movie or show through their free api.

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Absolutely love this app! :rocket: It already looks fantastic, and I’m especially fond of the color palette—it includes all my favorite shades! :smile: :purple_heart: :blue_heart:

Regarding your question about enhancing some of the visuals, I have a few suggestions that might help, but please feel free to use whatever resonates with you:

  • The collapsible filter section and “clear filters” functionality are great! For a cleaner look, it might be helpful to have all the filters the same width. Although we often try to avoid white space on dashboards, it can actually contribute to a more organized appearance. So, maybe consider making all filters the same width, arranging them three per row, and leaving some empty space if needed.
  • Pre-filtering the dashboard could also enhance its clarity. Setting the default value for the Platform filter to the top 5-6 platforms might make the visuals look cleaner. Keeping the categories limited to 5-8 makes it easier for users to digest the information.
  • Consistency in the use of the color palette across different visualizations can improve clarity. For instance, while one chart uses the color scale to represent average popularity, another uses it for different platforms. Sticking with platform-based coloring might be more intuitive. For example, in the overview bubble chart, it wasn’t immediately clear to me if average popularity added value as a color dimension. If average popularity correlates with average rating, it might be worth reconsidering whether you need it as a color dimension at all.
  • Replace treemap with simple bar chart: A treemap definitely looks fancier, but some of the smaller squares seem to be difficult to read. I am wondering if it’s easier to read them if they would be converted to simple bar charts :thinking:

Overall, I love the look and feel of the app and appreciate the detailed touches you’ve added to the charts. The tooltips, in particular, are beautifully designed and make everything much clearer! :rocket:


@li.nguyen Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!! I like the idea of limiting the number of selections for the filters, I’m going to add that in. And agreed on the treemap, I think I was focused on novelty rather than usefulness :laughing: - definitely would be more comprehensible if the figure was simpler.

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