Hi all ,
I need to draw rectangles using the ‘drawrect’ button on a heatmap and obtain the index of the active shape when it is clicked on.
Currently, the plotly_click event does not trigger when I click on the shape outline, and the plotly_relayout event only triggers when the shape is dragged, resized, or erased.
I have looked into the draw.js file of the plotly.js source code (draw.js) and found the function that is automatically triggered when a shape is clicked on to change its style and make it draggable, resizable, or erasable (line 189):
path.node().addEventListener('click', function() { return activateShape(gd, path); });
Therefore, I believe there should be a way to add actions to this ‘click’ event and obtain its index as well.
I have also read about some dependencies with the dragmode and clickmode attributes’ values, but I am unable to proceed with them.
A simple example is available here codepenExample or here:
<!-- Plotly.js -->
<script src="https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js"></script>
<div id="graph"></div>
var shapes = [
editable: true,
label: { text: "" },
xref: "x",
yref: "y",
layer: "above",
opacity: 1,
line: { color: "white", width: 5, dash: "solid" },
fillcolor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
fillrule: "evenodd",
type: "rect",
x0: 0.5,
y0: 0,
x1: 0.75,
y1: 1.5
var fig = {
data: [
z: [
[1, 20, 30],
[20, 1, 60],
[30, 60, 1]
type: "heatmap"
layout: {
title: "Heatmap with drawn rectangles",
shapes: shapes,
dragmode: "drawrect",
clickmode: "event+select"
config: {
displayModeBar: true,
modeBarButtons: [[], ["zoom2d", "drawrect", "eraseshape", "autoScale2d"]]
var gd = document.getElementById("graph");
Plotly.plot(gd, fig);
gd.on("plotly_click", function (d) {
alert("plotly click");
gd.on("plotly_relayouting", function (d) {
alert("plotly relayouting");
// gd.on("plotly_relayout", function(d) {
// alert("plotly relayout")
// console.log(d)
// })
// gd.on("plotly_selected", function(d) {
// alert("plotly selected")
// console.log(d);
// });
// gd.on("plotly_selecting", function(d) {
// alert("plotly selecting")
// console.log(d);
// });
Thanks a lot for your help!