Love the Dash charts and amazing flexibility. Having an issue with secondary y-axis on a simple scatter chart. Or to be more precise - my primary axis is not showing no matter what I try (I can get it to show ONLY the left y-axis as well).
Having a hard time finding clear documentation on the settings for the axis (finding mostly example pages). I’ll be happy to update documentation somewhere once I have figured this out!
here’s the data dict
{ ‘data’: [
go.Scatter( x= years[‘year’], y=years[‘Amount’], text=‘Total Seed Amount’),
go.Scatter( x= years[‘year’], y=years[‘Transactions’], text=‘Total Seed Rounds’,yaxis=‘y1’) ],
‘layout’: go.Layout(
title=‘Total US Seed Rounds \n2010-2018’,
‘title’: ‘Year’,
‘type’: ‘linear’
‘title’: ‘Amount (USD x millions)’,
‘title’: ‘# of Transactions’,
‘overlaying’: ‘y1’,
‘side’: ‘right’
margin={'l': 0, 'b': 40, 't': 40, 'r': 0},
) }
And this is what it looks like:
Why is the left y-axis not showing. I have played with naming the axis (yaxis=‘y’), overlaying, side=left - nothing seems to make a difference.
Any thoughts??