Save image offline error: unable to communicate with the local orca server process

hi all, I m using Plotly successfully and save image via the subprocess call orca method which works

from subprocess import call
import json
import plotly

fig = {“data”: [{“y”: [1,2,1]}]}
call([‘orca’, ‘graph’, json.dumps(fig, cls=plotly.utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder)])

but when I use the function: fig.write_image(“images/fig1.png”)

I always get this error :

For some reason was unable to communicate with the
local orca server process, even though the server process seems to be running.

Please review the process and connection information below:

orca status

state: running
executable: //anaconda3/bin/orca
version: 1.2.1
port: 51768
pid: 11500
command: ['//anaconda3/bin/orca', 'serve', '-p', '51768', '--plotly', '//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/plotly/package_data/plotly.min.js', '--graph-only', '--mathjax', '']

any idea ? thanks !

I, I have the same issue when I try to export a large plot to image. Any Idea ?

For some reason was unable to communicate with the
local orca server process, even though the server process seems to be running.

Please review the process and connection information below:

orca status
    state: running
    executable: /Users/guillaumerozier/opt/anaconda3/bin/orca
    version: 1.3.0
    port: 50438
    pid: 90835
    command: ['/Users/guillaumerozier/opt/anaconda3/bin/orca', 'serve', '-p', '50438', '--plotly', '/Users/guillaumerozier/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/plotly/package_data/plotly.min.js', '--graph-only', '--mathjax', '']

so, on the issue with the “large” size chart. i have posted a similar problem on the forum but never got an answer unfortunately. I guess it’s better to use Matplotlib ?