Rotating a bar graph 180 degrees in Dash


This is resolved. The adjustment in the CSS worked. It took some time for the updates in the CSS file to register - which I think is a problem with codepen and not Dash.

I’m working with Dash right now, and I want to rotate a bar graph 180 degrees. There is no in-built way using to completely invert a bar graph, so I assume it must be done using the external stylesheet.

Right now, I’m using the external stylesheet here:

I’ve tried adding:

div#rotate {transform: rotate(180deg); }

To the external stylesheet and then add:

html.Div(children = “test”, id = “rotate”)

To my Dash app layout, but when I run the script, the “test” text is still normally orientated. How can I implement a 180 degree rotated bar graph to me Dash application? Is there a specific section I should add the CSS amendment to? Any help would be appreciated.

Not sure what you mean here. But maybe you’re looking for Horizontal bar charts in Python?

Thanks for the reply - I found that in the documentation, but I’m actually trying to rotate the bar graph 180 degrees. The horizontal bar graph is equivalent to rotating 90 degrees. I want to turn my graph upside down.