This is resolved. The adjustment in the CSS worked. It took some time for the updates in the CSS file to register - which I think is a problem with codepen and not Dash.
I’m working with Dash right now, and I want to rotate a bar graph 180 degrees. There is no in-built way using plot.ly to completely invert a bar graph, so I assume it must be done using the external stylesheet.
Right now, I’m using the external stylesheet here: https://codepen.io/chriddyp/pen/bWLwgP
I’ve tried adding:
div#rotate {transform: rotate(180deg); }
To the external stylesheet and then add:
html.Div(children = “test”, id = “rotate”)
To my Dash app layout, but when I run the script, the “test” text is still normally orientated. How can I implement a 180 degree rotated bar graph to me Dash application? Is there a specific section I should add the CSS amendment to? Any help would be appreciated.