My app is embedded in an iframe and I’m trying to retrieve the url parameters. I’m printing out the pathname within the callback that executes when dcc.Location changes url…
print(‘You are on page {}’.format(pathname))
However when I check the Heroku logs all I get is…
You are on page //
Even though I can see the correct url displaying in the component updates:
@chriddyp Is there any way, any way at all to get the current page’s url parameters without needing to retrieve it from an Input or by using a @app.callback()
I have a situation where going that route is an impossibility since I need to retrieve a url parameter in order to initially load my master dataframe which controls/defines the app layout (since the app layout/callbacks are defined after the dataframe is loaded, then any callback waiting on the dcc.Location Input would be defined after it was needed to load the df in the first place.)