Hello! I’m wondering if it is possible to keep showing a hover info box when a point is clicked. My use case is that I have UUID’s showing in each hover box, and I would like a user to be able to copy and paste this value from the box.
Screenshot of an example of hover info attached. I would like the hover to stay until the graph is clicked elsewhere.
hi Kelly,
it appears that we’re still looking for sponsorship to add support for clickable hover text.
This might be a helpful workaround.
I had the same question and found no way to do this in plotly.py. Though I found even better solution to the initial use case.
My use case was: copy information about certain points on the graph that I’m interested in.
I thought displaying of details in the hover and copying from hover is the best solution. Though hover has a limitation:
a) You can’t accumulate information about several points and then copy it at once
b) You need to precisely select the text to copy, which is not very convenient.
A better solution is to print information about the point on a click. Then you’ll be able to click multiple points and copy the information at once
And this solution is possible with plotly.py, though requires a couple additional lines of code. I’ve created a video demo (link) of how it can be done and here’s the notebook with the code (link).
The solution above even allows to convert plotly into a visual labeling tool. I’m not sure if plotly team has such a use case in mind, though it’s definitely possible, easy to add and convenient to use for labeling.
Hope it’ll help you.