I understand we can remove the Undo, Redo button with the below statements on a CSS stylesheet, which I did below:
._dash-undo-redo {
display: none;
Inside my python code I have:
app.css.append_css({‘external_url’: ‘https://codepen.io/chriddyp/pen/bWLwgP.css’})
app.css.append_css({‘external_url’: ‘/home/tanthiamhuat/DataAnalyticsPortal/UI/mystylesheet.css’})
My app contains a few tabs. When it first launches, there is no Undo, Redo button. However, when I come to a particular tab which contains Radiobuttons, and I toggle between the Radiobuttons, then the Undo / Redo button appears at every of my tabs application.
I want the Undo / Redo button to be removed entirely for my application.