ReferenceError: Lib is not defined

I dont want to use plotly.js src attribute in my html file (like below)

I want to include the complete source code for a simple plotly.js line chart as a local JavaScript file. Since plotly.js is open source I should be able to do that. I have written a simple plotly.js plot function and I have downloaded the unminified plotly.js source code from here

and copied over the functions: newPlot, exports.plot, plotOne in a new JavaScript file call plot.js as seen below. However, I get an error message: ReferenceError: Lib is not defined

There are so many lines of code in the original plotly.js JavaScript file that probably forgot to copy over a function or two but I am having a hard time finding a function called Lib.
Are all plot functions really included in that repository? or are some plot functions proprietary and not included?

  function plot(z) {
  document.getElementById(outId).innerHTML = "";
  var yy = z;
  var xx = [];
  for (var i = 0; i <= yy.length; i++) {
      xx[i] = JSON.stringify(i);
  var data = [{
      x: xx,
      y: yy,
      type: 'scatter',
      line: { color: 'green', width: 2 }
  var layout =
      width: 950,
      height: 300,
      paper_bgcolor: 'lightblue',
      plot_bgcolor: 'lightblue',
      margin: { l: 60, b: 60, r: 20, t: 20 },
      xaxis: { title: 'x-axis', titlefont: { family: 'Courier New, monospace', size: 18, color: 'black' } },
      yaxis: { title: 'y-axis', titlefont: { family: 'Courier New, monospace', size: 18, color: 'black' } },
      xaxis: { tickfont: { size: 12, color: 'black' }, showgrid: true, gridcolor: 'black', linecolor: 'black' },
      yaxis: { tickfont: { size: 12, color: 'black' }, showgrid: true, gridcolor: 'black', linecolor: 'black' }
  newPlot(outId, data, layout, { displayModeBar: false, staticPlot: true });

function newPlot(gd, data, layout, config) {
  gd = Lib.getGraphDiv(gd);

  // remove gl contexts
  Plots.cleanPlot([], {}, gd._fullData || [], gd._fullLayout || {});

  return exports.plot(gd, data, layout, config);

exports.plot = function (gd, traces, transitionOpts, makeOnCompleteCallback) {
  var fullLayout = gd._fullLayout;
  var subplots = fullLayout._subplots.cartesian;
  var calcdata = gd.calcdata;
  var i;

  if (!Array.isArray(traces)) {
      // If traces is not provided, then it's a complete replot and missing
      // traces are removed
      traces = [];
      for (i = 0; i < calcdata.length; i++) traces.push(i);

  for (i = 0; i < subplots.length; i++) {
      var subplot = subplots[i];
      var subplotInfo = fullLayout._plots[subplot];

      // Get all calcdata for this subplot:
      var cdSubplot = [];
      var pcd;

      for (var j = 0; j < calcdata.length; j++) {
          var cd = calcdata[j];
          var trace = cd[0].trace;

          // Skip trace if whitelist provided and it's not whitelisted:
          // if (Array.isArray(traces) && traces.indexOf(i) === -1) continue;
          if (trace.xaxis + trace.yaxis === subplot) {
              // XXX: Should trace carpet dependencies. Only replot all carpet plots if the carpet
              // axis has actually changed:
              // If this trace is specifically requested, add it to the list:
              if (traces.indexOf(trace.index) !== -1 || trace.carpet) {
                  // Okay, so example: traces 0, 1, and 2 have fill = tonext. You animate
                  // traces 0 and 2. Trace 1 also needs to be updated, otherwise its fill
                  // is outdated. So this retroactively adds the previous trace if the
                  // traces are interdependent.
                  if (
                      pcd &&
                      pcd[0].trace.xaxis + pcd[0].trace.yaxis === subplot &&
                      ['tonextx', 'tonexty', 'tonext'].indexOf(trace.fill) !== -1 &&
                      cdSubplot.indexOf(pcd) === -1
                  ) {


              // Track the previous trace on this subplot for the retroactive-add step
              // above:
              pcd = cd;

      plotOne(gd, subplotInfo, cdSubplot, transitionOpts, makeOnCompleteCallback);

function plotOne(gd, plotinfo, cdSubplot, transitionOpts, makeOnCompleteCallback) {
  var traceLayerClasses = constants.traceLayerClasses;
  var fullLayout = gd._fullLayout;
  var modules = fullLayout._modules;
  var _module, cdModuleAndOthers, cdModule;

  var layerData = [];
  var zoomScaleQueryParts = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
      _module = modules[i];
      var name =;
      var categories = Registry.modules[name].categories;

      if (categories.svg) {
          var className = (_module.layerName || name + 'layer');
          var plotMethod = _module.plot;

          // plot all visible traces of this type on this subplot at once
          cdModuleAndOthers = getModuleCalcData(cdSubplot, plotMethod);
          cdModule = cdModuleAndOthers[0];
          // don't need to search the found traces again - in fact we need to NOT
          // so that if two modules share the same plotter we don't double-plot
          cdSubplot = cdModuleAndOthers[1];

          if (cdModule.length) {
                  i: traceLayerClasses.indexOf(className),
                  className: className,
                  plotMethod: plotMethod,
                  cdModule: cdModule

          if (categories.zoomScale) {
              zoomScaleQueryParts.push('.' + className);

  layerData.sort(function (a, b) { return a.i - b.i; });

  var layers = plotinfo.plot.selectAll('g.mlayer')
      .data(layerData, function (d) { return d.className; });

      .attr('class', function (d) { return d.className; })
      .classed('mlayer', true)
      .classed('rangeplot', plotinfo.isRangePlot);



  layers.each(function (d) {
      var sel =;
      var className = d.className;

          gd, plotinfo, d.cdModule, sel,
          transitionOpts, makeOnCompleteCallback

      // layers that allow `cliponaxis: false`
      if (constants.clipOnAxisFalseQuery.indexOf('.' + className) === -1) {
          Drawing.setClipUrl(sel, plotinfo.layerClipId, gd);

  // call Scattergl.plot separately
  if (fullLayout._has('scattergl')) {
      _module = Registry.getModule('scattergl');
      cdModule = getModuleCalcData(cdSubplot, _module)[0];
      _module.plot(gd, plotinfo, cdModule);

  // stash "hot" selections for faster interaction on drag and scroll
  if (!gd._context.staticPlot) {
      if (plotinfo._hasClipOnAxisFalse) {
          plotinfo.clipOnAxisFalseTraces = plotinfo.plot

      if (zoomScaleQueryParts.length) {
          var traces = plotinfo.plot

          plotinfo.zoomScalePts = traces.selectAll('path.point');
          plotinfo.zoomScaleTxt = traces.selectAll('.textpoint');