November 13, 2017, 7:22pm
I am attempting to utilize Plotly (based on D3) to read through a CSV and return data into three separate traces - one for each year, in this case.
My hope is to create a chart such as depicted in this Codepen , but without the hard-coded data of sales data, by dealer and year.
I have researched a few examples of D3 reading CSV data but am unclear how to read my data into the separate traces by year.
Please note I also attempted to post at Stackoverflow as well.
I apologize that I am new to JavaScript in general. Please point me in the correct direction. Thank you!
November 13, 2017, 10:52pm
Can you share a snippet of your CSV file to help us help you?
November 13, 2017, 11:49pm
A sample of the CSV can be found @
Below are two of the examples I have been attempting to build upon:
Plotly example – reading CSV ( )
Plotly example – basic time series ( )
Thank you for any assistance or direction!
November 15, 2017, 12:53pm
This is exactly what I am looking for!
I then utilized ‘category order ’ to order the x-axis values even with years that had no data.
Thank you for your help!
March 9, 2018, 10:27am
Hi there,
I think I have a similar problem, and I am also relatively new to Javascript.
I am also trying to create a graph with multiple traces. However, this is a scatterplot, and the traces are in different frames, so as to facilitate a button interaction.
The current code is in the link below. However, as with the initial query it is hard coded in. Ideally, I would like to be able to take the x and y values of each trace from a single CSV. Would this be possible to do?
Link here:
Thanks and best regards!