I have the following code snippet which is part of a function which is called on callback to update a graph plot :
layout = go.Layout(
#title='X Weekly ',
barmode = 'stack',
boxmode = 'overlay',
legend=dict(x=1.1, y=0,orientation="v"),
'title':'Time Period : ' + radioTimeCLLNPS,
'rangeslider': {'visible': True},
'type': 'date'
yaxis={'title': dropDownCLLLine + ' CLL',
"tickformat" : '.0%',
'range' : [0,1]
margin=go.layout.Margin(l=90, r=0, t=20, b=20)
Now I wanted to also add a callback with the time selection based on the the range selected as Here so I tried to add an id to the rangeslider like this :
layout = go.Layout(
#title='VENCLEXTA Weekly NPS(SP+SD) ',
barmode = 'stack',
boxmode = 'overlay',
legend=dict(x=1.1, y=0,orientation="v"),
'title':'Time Period : ' + radioTimeCLLNPS,
'rangeslider': {'id':'Claims_RangeSlider', 'visible': True},
'type': 'date'
yaxis={'title': dropDownCLLLine + ' CLL NPS',
"tickformat" : '.0%',
'range' : [0,1]
margin=go.layout.Margin(l=90, r=0, t=20, b=20)
but unfortunately after doing this, my graph doesn’t get updated with the figure at all even though there is no exception. Is there any issue with how I’m defining my id?