I once worked on web sites with multiple big servers for everything - the web pages themselves, the Oracle database, additional RAID systems and so on. No longer. This is my server, content generator, file system, network connection, and the user-side WiFi access point:
I need to present some line plots so users can monitor temperatures and visualize other simple data. I found one plotly competitor with a much smaller download size, but I couldn’t get graphs to display! Using the plotly basic custom bundle I can get a plot served from my Arduino ESP32 Nano and see it on a wireless device. That’s exciting, but the javascript is nearly a megabyte. That’s nothing for my desktop, but a big load for the Nano.
I tried making a custom bundle with just scatter and scattergl and no transforms, but the minimized file is only 3% smaller.
Would it be possible to radically downsize plotly? At the risk of shocking everyone, I could even do without any interactive features. A nice clear plot with axis labels is really the only requirement. Okay, 4 colors and 2 line types would be nice.
More background: I’m an experienced programmer, but I am working alone and javascript is a language I have only dabbled in. There’s also little to no budget. I’m donating time and hardware to coral survival researchers, and costs are out of my pocket.
What answer am I looking for? I could imagine things like:
- A way to identify unused code and delete it.
- You can tell me that plotly is the wrong tool for the job, ideally suggesting a replacement.
- Surprise me and say that with IOT and microcontrollers on the upswing a “plotly light” is on the way any day now.
Thanks for any input.