I have overlayed two contour plots:
cluster_count <- 5
volcan <- plot_ly(z = ~volcano,
type = "contour",
contours = list(
coloring= "fill",
showlines = F
cluster_matrix <- volcano
cluster_matrix[cluster_matrix < 100] <- 1
cluster_matrix[cluster_matrix <= 120 & cluster_matrix >= 100] <- 2
cluster_matrix[cluster_matrix < 140 & cluster_matrix >= 120] <- 3
cluster_matrix[cluster_matrix <= 160 & cluster_matrix >= 140] <- 4
cluster_matrix[cluster_matrix > 160] <- 5
cluster_name_matrix <- cluster_matrix
cluster_name_matrix[cluster_matrix ==1] <- "Eins"
cluster_name_matrix[cluster_matrix ==2] <- "Zwei"
cluster_name_matrix[cluster_matrix ==3] <- "Drei"
cluster_name_matrix[cluster_matrix ==4] <- "Vier"
cluster_name_matrix[cluster_matrix ==5] <- "Funf"
volcan %>% add_contour(cluster_matrix,
type = "contour",
opacity =1,
hovertemplate = 'Cluster: %{text}<extra></extra>',
autocontour = F,
contours = list(
start = 1,
showlabels = T,
coloring= "lines",
end = cluster_count,
size = 1,
showlines = T
Is it possible to have a plot like this:
Like I did for the hovering text? Thanks for tips and suggestions in advance! (Asked 7 months ago on so: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61779969/r-plotly-show-string-on-contour-plots)