Python Plotly Polar Chart Slice Alignment

So what Iโ€™m trying to do is create a polar chart using plotly. However, it needs to look similar to a pie chart, where each label is given a slice of the circle. Currently the polar chart works fine, if I divide the circle into equal slices. But, when I try to give them a slice corresponding to the weights it doesnโ€™t work out too well, as it tends to overlap or leave spaces between each slice. This is mainly due to the Theta.

Can someone please explain where Iโ€™ve gone wrong?

Ratings - Max value is 5, Min value is 1. This is used to determine the length of the slice in the polar chart.

Weights - Max value is 100, Min value is 1. This is used to determine the width of the slice in the polar chart.

Labels - To identify each slice.

When equally splitting the circle

import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as px

ratings = [3, 2, 5, 1, 2]
weights = [65, 79, 81, 98, 58]
labels = ["Strength", "Intelligence", "Dexterity", "Wisdom", "Stealth"]

def make_barpolar(ratings, weights, labels=None, colors=None, layout_options = None, **fig_kwargs):
    # infer slice angles
    num_slices = len(weights)
    theta = [(i) * 360 / num_slices for i in range(0, num_slices)]
    width = [360 / num_slices for _ in range(num_slices)]
    # optionally infer colors
    if colors is None:
        color_seq = px.colors.qualitative.Safe
        color_indices = range(0, len(color_seq), len(color_seq) // num_slices)
        colors = [color_seq[i] for i in color_indices]

    if layout_options is None:
        layout_options = {}

    if labels is None:
        labels = ["" for _ in range(num_slices)]
        layout_options["showlegend"] = False

    # make figure
    barpolar_plots = [go.Barpolar(r=[r], theta=[t], width=[w], name=n, marker_color=[c], **fig_kwargs)
                      for r, t, w, n, c in zip(ratings, theta, width, labels, colors)]
    fig = go.Figure(barpolar_plots)
    # additional layout parameters
    return fig

layout_options = {"title": "My Stats",
                  "title_font_size": 24,
                  "title_x": 0.5,
                  "legend_x": 0.85,
                  "legend_y": 0.5,
                  "polar_radialaxis_ticks": "",
                  "polar_radialaxis_showticklabels": False,
                  "polar_radialaxis_range": [0, max(ratings)],
                  "polar_angularaxis_ticks": "",
                  "polar_angularaxis_showticklabels": False}

fig = make_barpolar(ratings, weights, labels, layout_options=layout_options, opacity = 0.7)


When using the weights to calculate the width and theta

import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as px

ratings = [3, 2, 5, 1, 2]
weights = [65, 79, 81, 98, 38]
labels = ["Strength", "Intelligence", "Dexterity", "Wisdom", "Stealth"]

def make_barpolar(ratings, weights, labels=None, colors=None, layout_options = None, **fig_kwargs):
    # infer slice angles
    angles = [(weight / sum(weights) * 360) for weight in weights]
    theta = []
    num_slices = len(ratings)
    theta = []
    for index, angle in enumerate(angles):
        if index < len(angles)-1:
            if index == 0:
            theta.append(theta[index] + angle)
    width = angles
    # optionally infer colors
    if colors is None:
        color_seq = px.colors.qualitative.Safe
        color_indices = range(0, len(color_seq), len(color_seq) // num_slices)
        colors = [color_seq[i] for i in color_indices]

    if layout_options is None:
        layout_options = {}

    if labels is None:
        labels = ["" for _ in range(num_slices)]
        layout_options["showlegend"] = False

    # make figure
    barpolar_plots = [go.Barpolar(r=[r], theta=[t], width=[w], name=n, marker_color=[c], **fig_kwargs)
                      for r, t, w, n, c in zip(ratings, theta, width, labels, colors)]
    fig = go.Figure(barpolar_plots)
    # additional layout parameters
    return fig

layout_options = {"title": "My Stats",
                  "title_font_size": 24,
                  "title_x": 0.5,
                  "legend_x": 0.85,
                  "legend_y": 0.5,
                  "polar_radialaxis_ticks": "",
                  "polar_radialaxis_showticklabels": False,
                  "polar_radialaxis_range": [0, max(ratings)],
                  "polar_angularaxis_ticks": "",
                  "polar_angularaxis_showticklabels": False}

fig = make_barpolar(ratings, weights, labels, layout_options=layout_options, opacity = 0.7)
