I’m trying to do a very simple scatter plot (3 points), but I’m seeing a strange issue. The points all happen to be overlapping. Whenever I change the “color=” to a different value, some of the points go missing when I hover, even though they are not missing (i.e. not nan) in the data. Here’s the data:
personIdExternal lastName firstName company Overall Performance Rating Wgtd Score
0 1234 Sokol Billy LMFG 4 100
1 5678 Rundle Barney ELEC 4 100
2 9101 Andrews Sammy ELEC 4 100
Here is my code and result when working correctly:
fig = px.scatter(dfResigs, x="Wgtd Score", y="Overall Performance Rating", color='lastName',
hover_data=['lastName', 'company'])
fig.update_layout(hovermode='x', showlegend=False, width=500, autosize=False)
And here is the issue. Just changing the color attribute:
fig = px.scatter(dfResigs, x="Wgtd Score", y="Overall Performance Rating", color='company',
hover_data=['lastName', 'company'])
fig.update_layout(hovermode='x', showlegend=False, width=500, autosize=False)
In truth, there will ultimately be more points to this dataset, so the “color” attribute will make sense to use in the final version, but for this post I’ve isolated to the three problem points. Any help on why this hover isn’t showing all three points when I change the color argument?