I have created a dashboard with a (left) sidemenu which I want to cover the entire page’s height (whatever that may be). Currently I am achieving this by manually changing every dash-generated div:
app0, #react-entry-point, #react-entry-point>div, #_dash-app-content,
#_dash-app-content>div, #main_content, #main_page, #selected_subpage>div {
height: 100%
which in dash-1.0.0 dev mode needs these to be added:
#_dash-global-error-container, #_dash-global-error-container>div,
The only CSS getting loaded before my CSS is the one mentioned in the docs (https://codepen.io/chriddyp/pen/bWLwgP.css). After that, bootstrap is also loaded. This method more or less works, but it does not seem to be the proper way especially since most of these divs don’t have ids or have underscores in their names (‘internal implementation’?).