I have a pretty complex app where I need to go through differnt steps where user input is required and the content from the previous step must dissapear. So I need dynamic output in the callbacks and I need to put my buttons in the intial layout, because otherwise I will get an dependencies error . The callbacks show strange behaviour - some steps work, some dont - even though they are identical. Can someone help me with this? Maybe there is another solution for my problem… I broke it down to the following code:
import dash
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_core_components as dcc
app = dash.Dash()
app.config['suppress_callback_exceptions'] = True
app.layout = html.Div([
html.Button('Submit SN', id='button_sn', n_clicks=0, style={'display': 'none'}),
html.Button('Submit SN 2', id='button_sn2', n_clicks=0, style={'display': 'none'}),
html.Button('Submit SN 3', id='button_sn3', n_clicks=0, style={'display': 'none'}),
html.Button('Submit SN 4', id='button_sn4', n_clicks=0, style={'display': 'none'}),
html.Button('Submit SN 5', id='button_sn5', n_clicks=0, style={'display': 'none'}),
html.Button('Submit SN 6', id='button_sn6', n_clicks=0, style={'display': 'none'})
@app.callback(Output('calib_content_step1', 'children'),
def render_content(button_sn):
if button_sn < 1:
return html.Div("Please enter your SN and press OKAY"), dcc.Input(id='input_box_sn', type='text'), html.Button('Submit SN', id='button_sn')
return ''
@app.callback(Output('calib_content_step2', 'children'),
[Input('button_sn','n_clicks'), Input('button_sn2','n_clicks')])
def render_content(button_sn, button_sn2):
if button_sn == 1 and button_sn2 < 1:
return html.Div("Step 2"),html.Button('Submit SN 2', id='button_sn2')
return ''
@app.callback(Output('calib_content_step3', 'children'),
[Input('button_sn2','n_clicks'), Input('button_sn3','n_clicks')])
def render_content( button_sn2, button_sn3):
if button_sn2 == 1 and button_sn3 < 1:
return html.Div("Step 3"),html.Button('Submit SN 3', id='button_sn3')
return ''
@app.callback(Output('calib_content_step4', 'children'),
[Input('button_sn3','n_clicks'), Input('button_sn4','n_clicks')])
def render_content(button_sn3, button_sn4):
if button_sn3 == 1 and button_sn4 < 1:
return html.Div("Step 4"),html.Button('Submit SN 4', id='button_sn4')
return ''
@app.callback(Output('calib_content_step5', 'children'),
[Input('button_sn4','n_clicks'), Input('button_sn5','n_clicks')])
def render_content( button_sn4, button_sn5):
if button_sn4 == 1 and button_sn5 < 1:
return html.Div("Step 5"), html.Button('Submit SN 5', id='button_sn5')
return ''
@app.callback(Output('calib_content_step6', 'children'),
[Input('button_sn5','n_clicks'), Input('button_sn6','n_clicks')])
def render_content(button_sn5, button_sn6):
if button_sn5 == 1 and button_sn6 < 1:
return html.Div("Step 6"),html.Button('Submit SN 6', id='button_sn6')
return ''
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run_server(debug = False,host = '', port=8050)