I would like to know whether there is a way to link local javascript file in Dash application. I’m using offline mode (no internet connection), and only on local host server.
I’ve tried the suggestions of Chris (How do I use Dash to add local css?), and I’ve indeed succeeded in adding local css and image files with dash_html_components, e.g. html.Link() and html.Img(). But html.Script() seems to do nothing. Does anyone have any experience on using a local javascript file within Dash app? Thanks.
Maybe I’m missing something obvious here… How do you actually execute the appended javascript function?
For example, is it possible to execute the ‘external_url’ script via a Dash/html button? Something like this…
layout = html.Div([
html.Div(id = 'dummy_div', style={'display': 'none'}),
html.Button('Click Me!', id = 'run_javascript'),
dash.dependencies.Output('dummy_div', 'children'),
[dash.dependencies.Input('run_javascript', 'n_clicks')]
def run_javascript(click_event=None):
## what do I put here to run 'external_url'?
A script that is included as an external_url will be run when your app loads. As far as I’m aware, there’s no convenient way to trigger arbitrary JS using a callback.
In my case, our Dash app also uses Bootstrap, and it’s the callbacks on those components that I was adding my own javascript for… I’d be a little leery of trying to override Dash’s behavior with my own extras, without really understanding React better.