Hello, I am trying to build an app that pulls FEX data from Alpha Vantage and make some plots. There are two drop-down menus involved that selects two currencies. I am good up-to this point. Now, I want my app to refresh every 1 minute. For that purpose I have included a dcc.Interval. My code goes as follows -
# app layout
app.layout = html.Div(children = [
html.H1("Forex Tracker", style ={'textAlign':'center'}),
html.H3("From Currency", style = {'paddingRight':'30px'}),
id = "FromCurrency",
options = [{'label':i, 'value':i} for i in curcode],
value = curcode[curcode.index("EUR")], clearable=False,
style = {'fontsize':24, 'width': 75}
], style = {'display':'inline-block'}),
html.H3("To Currency"),
dcc.Dropdown (
id = "ToCurrency",
options = [{'label':i, 'value':i} for i in curcode],
value = curcode[curcode.index("USD")], clearable=False,
style ={'fontsize':24, 'width':75}
], style = {'display':'inline-block'}),
html.Button(id = 'submit-button',
n_clicks = 0,
children = 'View',
style = {'fontSize': 20, 'marginLeft':'20px'})
], style = {'display':'inline-block'}),
dcc.Graph(id = 'forex'),
interval=60*1000, # in milliseconds
Then I tried the callback to be as follows -
# app functions
@app.callback([Output(component_id='forex', component_property='figure')],
[Input('submit-button', 'n_clicks'),
Input('interval-component', 'n_intervals')],
[State(component_id='FromCurrency', component_property='value'),
State(component_id = "ToCurrency", component_property = 'value')])
I am completely stuck after that. I tried to proceed as follows-
def RealTimeCurrencyExchangeRate(n_clicks, from_currency, to_currency) :
# now get the time series plot
ts = TimeSeries(key="HUJ3ZZZOFB3IY9NE",output_format = "pandas")
time_data,metadata = ts.get_intraday(symbol = from_currency+to_currency ,interval= "1min" , outputsize = "compact")
#candleplot = go.Candlestick(x = time_data.index, open = time_data["1. open"], high = time_data["2. high"], low = time_data["3. low"], close = time_data["4. close"])
time_plot = go.Scatter(x = time_data.index, y = time_data["4. close"], marker = dict(color = '#17becf'))
layout = go.Layout(title = "[Intraday Plot]"+ " " + from_currency + "/"+ to_currency + " (Last 100 Time Points)")
data = [time_plot]
fig_time = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
return (fig_time)
Running the code gives me the following error-
TypeError: RealTimeCurrencyExchangeRate() takes 3 positional arguments but 4 were given
I am completely new at Dash, any kind of help with some explanation would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance