Hi everyone. I am building a dash which has an input button.
The input button is used to filter the data and subsequently change the dash graphs.
The values which are entered in the input button are Customer IDs (present in Excel)
Now I wish it to predict the text-
Like while typing the Cust ID, it should show the Cust IDs.
For example- on amazon while typing Tele- it predicts Television.
The customer IDs are of 6 digits. let us say 12345 and 12453. So while one typed 12, it should show 12345 and 12453.
Here is my app layout-
app.layout = html.Div([dashboard,
dcc.Input(id='CustID', type='text')),
html.Button('Submit', id='button1'),
html.Div(id='tabs-content-example1',style={'marginTop':'-210px','backgroundColor': '#E7E6E5','width':'100%','height':'50%'})
],style={'backgroundColor': '#E7E6E5','position':'absolute','width':'100%','height':'120%'})
Is it possible to achieve this in Dash ? How to do this? Please help.