Possible to use a callback to add annotations?

This is more of a feature question, but does anyone know if it’s possible to use a callback to either:
a) add the text attribute, for that datapoint
b) add an annotation, for that datapoint
c) enable clickmode: select, for that datapoint

any of these options would work for my use case. can’t find a question that covers all of the above in an any fashion, so posing this here. thanks in advance!

Found it. define x and y from your filter, then pass those into a loop that adds annotations.

def impossible_excl(countries):

        fig = scientific_layout(fig_B_bubblechart(beer, dem, pop))

        if not countries:
            for country in countries:
                ann_x = beer[2017][beer.index == country].values
                ann_y = dem[2017][dem.index == country].values
                label = country

                print(ann_x, ann_y)

                ann = {
                    "x": ann_x[0],
                    "y": ann_y[0],
                    "text": label,
                    "showarrow": False,

        return fig