Possible bug in dash-ag-grid row sorting?

Hi friends,

I’m trying to alter the row sorting of dash-ag-grid using callbacks. I have been successful so far, but it only seems to work if I have columnSize=“sizeToFit”. Conversely it does not seem to work if I have columnSize=“reponsiveSizeToFit”. Is this a bug?? (Not sure where is best to report this)

Example below. Alter the columnSize argument to see the bug in action.

import dash_ag_grid as dag
import pandas as pd
from dash import Dash, Input, Output, callback, html

app = Dash(__name__)

df = pd.read_csv(

app.layout = html.Div(
        html.Button("Sort Athlete Ascending", id="sort-athlete-asc"),
                {"field": "athlete", "sortable": True},
                {"field": "age"},
                {"field": "country"},
                {"field": "year"},
                {"field": "sport"},
                {"field": "total"},
            # columnSize="responsiveSizeToFit",
            dashGridOptions={"animateRows": False},

    Output("grid", "columnState"),
    Input("sort-athlete-asc", "n_clicks"),
def sort_athlete_column(_):
    return [{"colId": "athlete", "sort": "asc"}]

if __name__ == "__main__":


Hello @dsmi90,

This is a result of you not passing the whole columnState for all the columns, I think. If you were to provide all then the columnState wouldn’t be incomplete.

However, I will point out that responsive size to fit is the same as providing a defaulColDef with flex: 1. Which I recommend using over the responsive size to fit. As flex is using native functionality from the grid vs calling a code any time there is an update.

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