Hello All,
I would like to ask for you help with something that seems to be easy but I just cant find the answer.
I plotted an horizontal bar graph with text in the bars showing the actual value.
My problem is that the text goes beyond the border of the plotted area and disappears.
Is there any way to adjust the plotted area size to it will never cross its border?
Add a horizontal bar trace
fig1.add_trace(go.Bar( y=df_fig_with_format['Metrics'], x=df_fig['Var%'], orientation='h', marker_color=colors, name='Var%', text=[f"<b>{val:.0%}</b>" if metric.strip() not in ['',' ',' '] else "" for metric, val in zip(df_fig_with_format['Metrics'], df_fig['Var%'])], # Add text labels conditionally textposition='outside', # Position text outside bars )) # Update layout for a more professional look fig1.update_layout( title='Percent Variation', xaxis_title='%', xaxis=dict( tickformat='.0%', # Format x-axis as integer percentage showgrid=True, # Show grid lines gridcolor='lightgray', # Grid color gridwidth=0.5 # Grid width ), yaxis=dict( tickfont_size=12, # Font size for y-axis labels categoryorder='array', categoryarray=df_fig_with_format['Metrics'][::-1].tolist(), # Reverse the order of metrics ticklabelposition="outside", # positions the tick labels outside the axis line ), title_font_size=16, title_font_family='Arial', font=dict(color='black'), barmode='relative', bargap=0.1, plot_bgcolor='white', # Background color of the plot margin=dict(l=0, r=0, t=50, b=50), # Adjust margins width=500, # Set the width of the plot (adjust as needed) height=700, ) # Show the plot fig1.show()