I’m trying to scatter plot around 50 objects with (x, y) position in Cartesian coordinate and some data associated with them like if it’s classified as a person or trashcan or other objects, the object’s size, etc. I want to animate this over time with sliders to move back and forth. I’ve tried modifying the example on https://plot.ly/python/animations/ since exactly the kind of plot I want but the problem is, I have something around +1000 frames since the data is collected around every 0.05 second so 5 seconds of it would be 1000 frames. When I run the code, it’s super slow and usually freezes after several frames. I was wondering if there is a better way to plot this with different module or pre-load data for plotting. This is my first time trying out plotly so any advise or tips would be greatly appreciated, thank you!