Plotly Mapbox: Markers and Hover Template

Hi @jgomes_eu
Thank you for posting your question. I’m glad we were able to solve this together :slight_smile: Here’s the final answer.

If you have size and color properties in your scattermapbox, you can only use the circle marker. However, without size and color properties, you can use the other icons, as discussed in this topic. For example,


We need to ensure that you have a mapbox token for these icons to work.

Regarding the customized hover, you can add custom_data property to your figure and then update traces with customdata, like this:

fig = px.scatter_mapbox(df, [........], custom_data=['address', 'opening_hours'])
fig.update_traces(hovertemplate="Address is:  %{customdata[0]} <br> Hours of Operation: %{customdata[1]}")
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