Plotly.js and Grafana

I’m trying to use plotly.js in Grafana, as I want to make a dashboard with option greeks sensitivities to some parameters changing.
In all of the plots I want one or two vertical lines that refer to the present value of some option parameters.
What I did is the following:


var delta = {
  x: data.series[0].fields[1].values.buffer,
  y: data.series[0].fields[2].values.buffer,
  mode: 'lines',
  name: 'delta',
  line: {
      color: 'red',
      width: 4

var gamma = {
  x: data.series[0].fields[1].values.buffer,
  y: data.series[0].fields[3].values.buffer,
  mode: 'lines',
  name: 'gamma',
  line: {
      color: 'yellow',
      width: 4

var vega = {
  x: data.series[0].fields[1].values.buffer,
  y: data.series[0].fields[4].values.buffer,
  mode: 'lines',
  name: 'vega',
  line: {
      color: 'blue',
      width: 4

var theta = {
  x: data.series[0].fields[1].values.buffer,
  y: data.series[0].fields[5].values.buffer,
  mode: 'lines',
  name: 'theta',
  line: {
      color: 'green',
      width: 4

var rho = {
  x: data.series[0].fields[1].values.buffer,
  y: data.series[0].fields[6].values.buffer,
  mode: 'lines',
  name: 'rho',
  line: {
      color: 'orange',
      width: 4

return {data:[delta,gamma,vega,theta,rho],layout:{title:'Option Greeks Volatility Sensitivity'}};

The layout of the plot is this:

  "font": {
    "color": "darkgrey"
  "paper_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
  "plot_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
  "margin": {
    "t": 30,
    "b": 20
  "xaxis": {
    "type": "float"
  "shapes": [
      "type": "line",
      "x0": "Math.min(data.series[0].fields[7].values.buffer)",
      "y0": "Math.min(theta.y)",
      "x1": "Math.min(data.series[0].fields[7].values.buffer)",
      "yref": "paper",
      "name": "current volatility",
      "line": {
        "width": "4",
        "color": "purple",
        "dash": "dot"

I never used plotly.js (nor javascript) before, so I’m definitely a very beginner in this and what I wrote is what I could gather from other stackoverflow questions. However, the code I wrote doesn’t work.
Basically, what I want to do is to plot a vertical line for the whole height of the plot (which is not fixed) in a point that is given by the min(data.series[0].fields[7].values.buffer) and I also want a legend that contains a reference to the vertical line.

The “layout” section is JSON only, you can’t run any code there. To fix it you have to move your shapes into the “script” section, like so:

const layout = {
title:'Option Greeks Volatility Sensitivity'
"shapes": [
      "type": "line",
      "x0": Math.min(data.series[0].fields[7].values.buffer),
      "y0": Math.min(theta.y),
      "x1": Math.min(data.series[0].fields[7].values.buffer),
      "yref": "paper",
      "name": "current volatility",
      "line": {
        "width": "4",
        "color": "purple",
        "dash": "dot"

return {data:[delta,gamma,vega,theta,rho],layout};