Plotly is Super Slow When Visualizing Volume Slices in Python

Hi! I am new to Plotly. I have been trying to replicate creating a plotly animation with slider that cycles through MRI cross-sections of a human brain (Visualizing mri volume slices in Python). However, I am using my own data which is a nifti file containing the CT scan of the lung s of a mouse. Running the code does not display any errors. However, Jupiter Notebook takes a long time when I run the line of code that starts with “fig.add_trace(go.Surface…” and the line of code that starts with “fig.update_layout…” and at the end when I run “” no visualization or error is displayed. Can anyone help me know what is going on? Is there something I am missing or doing wrong? Your help will be highly appreciate it.

I am working with a nifti file which has 267 slices.

import time
import numpy as np
from skimage import io
import plotly.graph_objects as go

# Loading Data and transposing
vol = io.imread("data/B6-0355_406_Day_21_095951/nifti/lung_test.nii")
volume = vol.T # The .T tranposes the numpy array to make it easy to get x and y coords
r, c = volume[0].shape #(512, 277)

# Define frames
nb_frames = 267

fig = go.Figure(frames=[go.Frame(data=go.Surface(
   z=(26.6 - k * 0.1) * np.ones((r, c)),
   surfacecolor=np.flipud(volume[266 - k]),
   cmin=0, cmax=200
   name=str(k) # you need to name the frame for the animation to behave properly
   for k in range(nb_frames)])

# Add data to be displayed before animation starts
   z=26.6 * np.ones((r, c)),
   cmin=0, cmax=200,
   colorbar=dict(thickness=20, ticklen=4)

# Define frames
import plotly.graph_objects as go
nb_frames = 68

fig = go.Figure(frames=[go.Frame(data=go.Surface(
   z=(6.7 - k * 0.1) * np.ones((r, c)),
   surfacecolor=np.flipud(volume[67 - k]),
   cmin=0, cmax=200
   name=str(k) # you need to name the frame for the animation to behave properly
   for k in range(nb_frames)])

# Add data to be displayed before animation starts
   z=6.7 * np.ones((r, c)),
   cmin=0, cmax=200,
   colorbar=dict(thickness=20, ticklen=4)

def frame_args(duration):
   return {
           "frame": {"duration": duration},
           "mode": "immediate",
           "fromcurrent": True,
           "transition": {"duration": duration, "easing": "linear"},

sliders = [
               "pad": {"b": 10, "t": 60},
               "len": 0.9,
               "x": 0.1,
               "y": 0,
               "steps": [
                       "args": [[], frame_args(0)],
                       "label": str(k),
                       "method": "animate",
                   for k, f in enumerate(fig.frames)

# Layout
        title='Slices in volumetric data',
                   zaxis=dict(range=[-0.1, 6.8], autorange=False),
                   aspectratio=dict(x=1, y=1, z=1),
        updatemenus = [
               "buttons": [
                       "args": [None, frame_args(50)],
                       "label": "▶", # play symbol
                       "method": "animate",
                       "args": [[None], frame_args(0)],
                       "label": "◼", # pause symbol
                       "method": "animate",
               "direction": "left",
               "pad": {"r": 10, "t": 70},
               "type": "buttons",
               "x": 0.1,
               "y": 0,

Hi, I’m wondering if this is splicing of two pieces of code. Because I noticed that you call the Figure constructor twice and assign it to the same variable.

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You can print out the fig before calling print(fig)

This will show you the content of the figure, which might help you locate an issue (e.g. way too many data making your code slow).

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@numam The example you followed to aproach your case has a particular implementation for the case with 68 MRI images . It should be removed from Plotly tutorials.
Here is a version for an arbitrary stack of MRI images:

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