I am using plotly3.3.0 in Jupyter 5.2.3,conda 3 on Win 10 64bit
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
data = dict(type = ‘choropleth’,
locations = [‘AZ’,‘CA’,‘NY’],
locationmode = ‘USA-states’,
colorscale= ‘Portland’,
text= [‘text1’,‘text2’,‘text3’],
colorbar = {‘title’:‘Colorbar Title’})
layout = dict(geo = {‘scope’:‘usa’})
choromap = go.Figure(data = [data],layout = layout)
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\plotly\offline\offline.py in _plot_html(figure_or_data, config, validate, default_width, default_height, global_requirejs)
221 # TODO: The get_config ‘source of truth’ should
222 # really be somewhere other than plotly.plotly
–> 223 plotly_platform_url = plotly.get_config().get(‘plotly_domain’,
224 ‘https://plot.ly’)
225 if (plotly_platform_url != ‘https://plot.ly’ and
AttributeError: module ‘plotly’ has no attribute ‘get_config’
Could you add the output of conda list and pip list? Sometimes odd problems like this can crop up if you have plotly.py installed using both conda and pip, so double check that you don’t have a pip install as well.