I have been using a script to produce html files with scatter plots for some time now. I use these files to check if an algorithm for ECG peak detection worked correctly. Out of the blue, without updating anything, the script started to produce HTML files, that freeze up upon opening. I tried running the script on old data, and still the same result, I have no idea what is going on.
The simple function/method that is used:
def visualization(self, ecg_x, ecg_y, peaks, marker = ""):
peak_value = np.zeros(len(ecg_x), dtype=bool)
peak_value[peaks] = True
dataset = pd.DataFrame({'Xos': ecg_x, 'Yos': ecg_y, "barva": peak_value})
fig = px.scatter(dataset, x="Xos", y="Yos", color="barva", color_discrete_sequence=["white", "black"])
A sample of a working (old) and non working (new) html file:
The HTML files are now, that they donβt work anymore, ever so slightly smaller (102 vs. 110 mb)
Any ideas as to what might be going on? Thank you in advance for any input.