Hi y’all
Before I started using plotly_express, I was using dcc.graph() like below (*). This way (because of the number of columns) using " ‘visible’: ‘legendonly’ " I effectively disabled all entries in the graph’s legend and the user could select only the ones they wanted.
(*) traces.append({‘x’: df_pv.index, ‘y’: df_pv[trace], ‘name’: trace, ‘mode’: ‘lines’,
‘visible’: ‘legendonly’})
Now I am using plotly_express and the code below (#) I can’t seem to find a way to do the same, tried Goggle but that didn’t help much.
(#) fig = px.scatter(df_pv, y=None, x=None, title=title, render_mode=‘lines’, height=470)
for col in df_pv.columns:
if col != cvs.CIRC_MY:
fig.add_scatter(y=df_pv[col], x=df_pv[cvs.CIRC_MY], name=col)
Any suggestions would be appreciated