I’m trying to produce a plotly express boxplot using boxmod=‘group’ so I don’t have overlay of boxes and noticed that this works with a linear x-axis, but not when I change the xtype to logarithmic. The boxplot is created as follows:
boxfig = px.box(df, x=xaxis_column_name, y=yaxis_column_name, color=hue, log_x=True, boxmode='group')
boxfig.update_xaxes(title=xname, type=xtype)
boxfig.update_yaxes(title=yname, type=ytype)
Where xtype and ytype are either ‘linear’ or ‘log’.
X-axis as linear:
fig.update_xaxes(title=xname, type='linear')
X-axis as logarithmic:
fig.update_xaxes(title=xname, type='log')
What I’d like to see is the side by side boxes (as in the ‘linear’ example) but with a ‘log’ x-axis scale. Is this a bug? Am I going about this wrong?