I am able to create an animation of different groups within a Dataframes as a scatter graph (plotly express/jupyter lab),
e.g. px.scatter(df x="group", y="range", color = "group", animation_frame = "date", animation_group = "group")
but when I change the type of plot from scatter to box or bar, only one out of 10 “groups” shows up in the graph–is there something different I need to add for other graph type animations?
where there are 10 different “bays” which record temperature several times a day (meaning that there are several temperatures per date per bay over 115 days). I’m trying to show an animated box plot that shows the distribution of temperatures over each date because they change significantly in each bay over the time period.
results in an animation of only one “bay,” although using the same code as a scatter shows an animation of all of the bay temperatures changing over each date. Are there additional parameters that I need to define for non-scatter animations?
Hi @nicolaskruchten
Here are a couple screenshots of my basic box plots and the csv file that I’m using as df_env is in the link in my previous comment. As you can see in the first plot, I can plot all of the data as box plots, however, when I add in the animation, only one of the “bay” groups appears. Any ideas on why this is occurring?