Thanks for the list of available colours above.
I made a simple table based on the list to quickly see what the colours look like:
def show_named_plotly_colours():
function to display to user the colours to match plotly's named
css colours.
plotly dataframe with cell colour to match named colour name
aliceblue, antiquewhite, aqua, aquamarine, azure,
beige, bisque, black, blanchedalmond, blue,
blueviolet, brown, burlywood, cadetblue,
chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflowerblue,
cornsilk, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan,
darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgrey, darkgreen,
darkkhaki, darkmagenta, darkolivegreen, darkorange,
darkorchid, darkred, darksalmon, darkseagreen,
darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkslategrey,
darkturquoise, darkviolet, deeppink, deepskyblue,
dimgray, dimgrey, dodgerblue, firebrick,
floralwhite, forestgreen, fuchsia, gainsboro,
ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, grey, green,
greenyellow, honeydew, hotpink, indianred, indigo,
ivory, khaki, lavender, lavenderblush, lawngreen,
lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan,
lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgray, lightgrey,
lightgreen, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen,
lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightslategrey,
lightsteelblue, lightyellow, lime, limegreen,
linen, magenta, maroon, mediumaquamarine,
mediumblue, mediumorchid, mediumpurple,
mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumspringgreen,
mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue,
mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy,
oldlace, olive, olivedrab, orange, orangered,
orchid, palegoldenrod, palegreen, paleturquoise,
palevioletred, papayawhip, peachpuff, peru, pink,
plum, powderblue, purple, red, rosybrown,
royalblue, saddlebrown, salmon, sandybrown,
seagreen, seashell, sienna, silver, skyblue,
slateblue, slategray, slategrey, snow, springgreen,
steelblue, tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise,
violet, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow,
li=[l.replace('\n','') for l in li]
li=[l.replace(' ','') for l in li]
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
df=pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'colour': li})
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Table(
values=["Plotly Named CSS colours"],
line_color='black', fill_color='white',
align='center', font=dict(color='black', size=14)
line_color=[df.colour], fill_color=[df.colour],
align='center', font=dict(color='black', size=11)