Plot sometimes missing most of Y-axis

I’m trying to create two versions of the same plot for two types of reports (one aggregate and one per-sample), using the same bit of code. The aggregate plot works fine and looks like this:

While all of my single-sample plots of this type are getting squished, but no other plots and I’m not sure why

The layout config looks like this:

height: 450,
shapes: [
fillcolor: “#e6c3c3
opacity: 0.5
type: “rect”
x0: 0
x1: 100
y0: 10
y1: 100
fillcolor: “#e6dcc3
opacity: 0.5
type: “rect”
x0: 0
x1: 100
y0: 5
y1: 10
fillcolor: “#c3e6c3
opacity: 0.5
type: “rect”
x0: 0
x1: 100
y0: 0
y1: 5
showlegend: true,
title: {
text: “Ambiguous Base Content by Position”
width: 1350,
xaxis: {
range: [0, 100],
title: {text: “Read Position (bp)”}
yaxis: {
range: [0, 6],
title: {text: “% Ambiguous”}