Hi All,
I have a data frame with a column that contains coordinates stored as tuples. Sample data:
I need to plot create the data dictionary and plot the locations on the map. Here’s my code:
@app.callback(Output("map-graph", "figure"),
Input("company-select", "value")
def update_graph(selected_value):
# Plot home location and map commute to work.
# Create a data dictionary of lat and lon to plot
return {
"data": [
"type": "scattermapbox",
"lat": hlat,
"lon": hlong,
#"text": ,
"mode": "markers",
"marker": {
"size": 3,
"opacity": 1.0
for i, row in Comp_data.iterrows()
"layout": {
"autosize": True,
"hovermode": "closest",
"mapbox": {
"accesstoken": MAPBOX_KEY,
"bearing": 0,
"center": {
"lat": 37.8272,
"lon": 122.2913
"pitch": 0,
"zoom": 8,
"style": "outdoors"
Something else that I have also tried is, creating a list of all lat and long to pass to the function.
# Filter the dataframe with selected value
Comp_data = EmpComm1[EmpComm1['Company'] == selected_value]
hlat = []
hlong = []
for i, row in Comp_data.iterrows():
coords = Comp_data['HomeLocation'].iloc[i]
# List of coordinates
My question is: How do I pick the lat and long from each tuple pair (37.710602289422475, -121.55962388557604) in the data frame and create the data dictionary. Thanks in advance for the help!