I am producing charts using plotly.js. These charts will need to be saved into a png file. The problem I have is with the placement of the annotations.
First, the screen image:
The issue is with the “Data source” annotation. Here is the annotation section of the code that produced the image:
annotations : [text : 'Data Sources: U.S. Census Bureau (1990-2010) and Colorado State Demography Office (2020-2050).',
font: {
size: 7,
color: 'black'
xref : 'paper',
x : 0,
yref : 'paper',
y : -0.35,
align : 'left',
showarrow : false}]
When I save this image as a png, the annotations are missing:
here is the code that produced the PNG file:
Plotly.toImage(plotdiv, { format: 'png', width: 1000, height: 600 }).then(function (dataURL) {
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = dataURL;
a.download = filename;
One other point, the downloaded image has to fit on a standard PowerPoint slide ( 1280 by 720 pixels). How can I adjust the annotation and/or image size to include the annotation so that the annotation is below the y-axis total but still on the saved png image.