I noticed their is only a few image sliders within the Plotly community so I wanted to add this component to the available list of options developers could use.
Live Demo Example (try it on mobile for swipe support)
- Mobile swipe gestures
- Thumbnail navigation
- Fullscreen support
- Custom rendered slides
- RTL support
- Responsive design
- Tons of customization options (see props below)
pip install dash-image-gallery
Props I setup:
- id: PropTypes.string,
- items: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({
- original: PropTypes.string,
- thumbnail: PropTypes.string,
- fullscreen: PropTypes.string,
- originalHeight: PropTypes.number,
- originalWidth: PropTypes.number,
- loading: PropTypes.string,
- thumbnailHeight: PropTypes.number,
- thumbnailWidth: PropTypes.number,
- thumbnailLoading: PropTypes.string,
- originalClass: PropTypes.string,
- thumbnailClass: PropTypes.string,
- renderItem: PropTypes.func,
- renderThumbInner: PropTypes.func,
- originalAlt: PropTypes.string,
- thumbnailAlt: PropTypes.string,
- originalTitle: PropTypes.string,
- thumbnailTitle: PropTypes.string,
- thumbnailLabel: PropTypes.string,
- description: PropTypes.string,
- srcSet: PropTypes.string,
- sizes: PropTypes.string,
- bulletClass: PropTypes.string
- infinite: PropTypes.bool,
- lazyLoad: PropTypes.bool,
- showNav: PropTypes.bool,
- showThumbnails: PropTypes.bool,
- thumbnailPosition: PropTypes.string,
- showFullscreenButton: PropTypes.bool,
- useBrowserFullscreen: PropTypes.bool,
- useTranslate3D: PropTypes.bool,
- showPlayButton: PropTypes.bool,
- isRTL: PropTypes.bool,
- showBullets: PropTypes.bool,
- showIndex: PropTypes.bool,
- autoPlay: PropTypes.bool,
- disableThumbnailScroll: PropTypes.bool,
- disableKeyDown: PropTypes.bool,
- disableSwipe: PropTypes.bool,
- disableThumbnailSwipe: PropTypes.bool,
- onErrorImageURL: PropTypes.string,
- indexSeparator: PropTypes.string,
- slideDuration: PropTypes.number,
- swipingTransitionDuration: PropTypes.number,
- slideInterval: PropTypes.number,
- slideOnThumbnailOver: PropTypes.bool,
- flickThreshold: PropTypes.number,
- swipeThreshold: PropTypes.number,
- stopPropagation: PropTypes.bool,
- startIndex: PropTypes.number,
- onImageError: PropTypes.func,
- onThumbnailError: PropTypes.func,
- onThumbnailClick: PropTypes.func,
- onBulletClick: PropTypes.func,
- onImageLoad: PropTypes.func,
- onSlide: PropTypes.func,
- onBeforeSlide: PropTypes.func,
- onScreenChange: PropTypes.func,
- onPause: PropTypes.func,
- onPlay: PropTypes.func,
- onClick: PropTypes.func,
- onTouchMove: PropTypes.func,
- onTouchEnd: PropTypes.func,
- onTouchStart: PropTypes.func,
- onMouseOver: PropTypes.func,
- onMouseLeave: PropTypes.func,
- additionalClass: PropTypes.string,
- renderCustomControls: PropTypes.func,
- renderItem: PropTypes.func,
- renderThumbInner: PropTypes.func,
- renderLeftNav: PropTypes.func,
- renderRightNav: PropTypes.func,
- renderPlayPauseButton: PropTypes.func,
- renderFullscreenButton: PropTypes.func,
- useWindowKeyDown: PropTypes.bool,
- items: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({
You can find the projects code at (give a to show some appreciation):