I’m trying to create a multi-page app, which allows the user to display and edit data from a database. Until now, I have one page that lists all the data from one table in a dash_html_components.html table and now I want to implement a button in my last column for every row which will redirect me to another page in which I can edit the data of the specific row. I’m aware I could perhaps use dash-table-experiments to edit the data on the spot for this specific example, but at one point the site is also meant to access data from other tables by passing a foreign key in the data-row.
The problem I am facing now is that I’m not sure how to use the Inputs and Outputs if I’ve split my pages to separate files, as shown in the docs. I get the idea of navigating between pages, but how do I access the id of a component in a different file if thats where the Output of my function is meant to go to? I’m not sure if I’m clearly missing something, as I’m quite new to this topic.