I am trying to print a dataframe as a table in Dash. Following the tutorial, I implemented this in a callback function that outputs an HTML component. However, I found that if my dataframe contains booleans (True/False), and sometimes dictionaries, it breaks the table and plot output for the entire app. I don’t see any errors in the console log, the other plots and tables that were previously displaying fine just stop working. Here is an example of the callback function I am using:
Output(component_id = 'stats-table', component_property = 'children'),
[Input(component_id = 'selection', component_property = 'value')]
def df_table(input_value):
max_rows = 10
df1 = pd.DataFrame([True], index=[0], columns=['A']) # breaks all plot and table output
df2 = pd.DataFrame([{'id': 'value'}], index=[0], columns=['A']) # cant see row
df3 = pd.DataFrame([1], index=[0], columns=['A']) # this works fine
# Header
[html.Tr([html.Th(col) for col in df1.columns])] +
# Body
html.Td(df1.iloc[i][col]) for col in df1.columns
]) for i in range(min(len(df1), max_rows))]