This are ChatGPT 4o recommendations: (It’s up to you…)
Solutions to Open or Reduce the File Size
Use a Lightweight Web Server (Avoid Browser Memory Issues)
Instead of opening it directly in a browser, serve it with a local server:
python -m http.server 8000
Then open: http://localhost:8000 in your browser. This can sometimes handle large files better than opening them directly.
Reduce the File Size (Recommended)
If you still have the original dataset, regenerate the file with these optimizations:
A. Reduce Data Points (Downsampling)
Use Polars to downsample before plotting:
df_sampled = df.sample(n=100_000) # Reduce data size before saving
Then regenerate the Plotly figure.
B. Save Without Data (include_plotlyjs="cdn"
and full_html=False
When saving with Plotly:
fig.write_html("plot.html", include_plotlyjs="cdn", full_html=False)
loads the Plotly library from the web instead of embedding it (reduces size).
saves only the chart, reducing HTML bloat.
C. Save as JSON Instead of HTML
If you only need the data and want to re-render the plot later:
Then reload it later:
import as pio
fig = pio.read_json("plot.json")
Use an Interactive Jupyter Notebook Instead >> (I won’t go for this one
If you’re working in Jupyter Notebook, try displaying the plot inside the notebook instead of saving it as an HTML file:
import as pio
pio.renderers.default = "notebook"
Open in a Powerful Browser (Edge, Firefox, or Brave)
Some browsers (like Chrome) struggle with large HTML files. Try:
- Edge (handles large files better)
- Firefox (optimized memory management)
- Brave (better handling of large data)
What Should You Do Now?
Try opening it with python -m http.server 8000
If it still doesn’t open, regenerate it with full_html=False
and include_plotlyjs="cdn"
If it’s still too large, downsample your data (df.sample(n=100_000)
) before plotting.
Maybe Option 1 and 2 could have something worth to try it.
Hopefully, it’ll help you… Anyway, I did it again, but my laptop suffer…