Obtain bounding box of map

I defined a map plot by it’s center lat and lon and zoom.

Is there a way to retrieve the bounding box of the map once the user did a zoom or moved along the map?
Is it possible to compute it from the State callback relayoutData that I retrieve once the user press a button? I ll retrieve the center and zoom again. However, I won’t access the physical extent of the map from this.
Or is it possible to use the geo lonaxis (Single-Page Reference | Python | Plotly)

I really love the potential of Dash. I just feel that what I need right now is what is supposed to come in the near the future. Keep on going with the great work!

@Rom1 I would like to retrieve that information from the map as well… Did you have any luck in finding out how to get that please?

Any luck for this issue?

In dash-leaflet, the bounds property holds this information :slight_smile: