Hi all
I’m not a web designer and DASH is like a breath of fresh air. Even I can get things done, thanks so much to the community for this. ANYWAY, here’s my question. I don’t get the "className=‘six columns’ " thing. For some reason I thought it meant that the web page had been split into 6 sections and when you plotted something it would size each plot proportionately. Imagine my suprise when I tried the code below only to have the first two plots (linechart and hvchart) on one “line” THEN “an_chart” on the next “line” followed by “mk_chart” on the next line. So it’s two charts, one chart, one chart…
html.Div([ dcc.Graph(id='linechart'), ] ,className='six columns' ),
html.Div([ dcc.Graph(id='hvchart'), ],className='six columns'),
html.Div([ dcc.Graph(id='an_chart'), ],className='six columns'),
html.Div([ dcc.Graph(id='mk_chart'), ],className='six columns'),