Non-responsive scatter/bar plots to the Callback function

Hi @StefaaanP and welcome to the Dash forum :slight_smile:

This looks like it’s from a course, so I’m going to assume you are a student. If so, that’s great - making Dash apps is a fun way to learn more about coding and making web applications.

Here are a few pointers:

  • See this post. It not only explains how to get your questions answered on the forum, it also has some great debugging tips.

  • To get the hang of Dash callbacks try running the examples in the Dash tutorial: Basic Callbacks | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly

  • To get the callback working for your app, it’s helpful to start with a MWE, like “Dash App Layout With Figure and Slider” from the Dash tutorial, then modify it. For example, first change the slider to a dropdown. Next, add a second figure. Then one step at a time add more components such as a second dropdown, or a button. Finally make it work with your data, then it’s easy to add to your app. In the meantime, if you get stuck along the way, you have a good MWE that will make it easier for people to help you.