Hi guys,
I have tried a simple point selection example with the code below:
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import numpy as np
x = np.random.rand(100)
y = np.random.rand(100)
f = go.FigureWidget([go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers')])
scatter = f.data[0]
colors = ['#a3a7e4'] * 100
scatter.marker.color = colors
scatter.marker.size = [10] * 100
f.layout.hovermode = 'closest'
##### create our callback function
def update_point(trace, points, selector):
c = list(scatter.marker.color)
s = list(scatter.marker.size)
for i in points.point_inds:
c[i] = '#bae2be'
s[i] = 20
with f.batch_update():
scatter.marker.color = c
scatter.marker.size = s
It works well in my Jupyterbook and I can interactively make the selected points highlighted.
However, after I export this FigureWidget as a HTML (by using f.write_html(βtest.htmlβ, auto_open=True) ), the callback event doesnβt work.
Do you know why this difference,thanks.